Thursday, June 17, 2010

Second mistress claims Tiger fathered baby

First we had the medley of Tiger Woods mistresses - 14 at the last count. Now, it seems, a line of Tiger cubs is coming our way. Following the claim – included in a C4 documentary screening tonight - that Theresa Rogers had a secret 'love child' by the golfer, a second woman, porn actress Devon James, has come forward to say Woods is the father of her nine-year-old son.
James originally told the press that she had an affair with Woods between 2006 and 2008. But she now says she first met him in 2000 and became pregnant. When she met up with him again in 2006 after he hired her for sex, she says she told him she’d had his baby. According to friends of James, the golfer did not wish to meet the child, but did send gifts.
James's claim was reported earlier this week by the US gossip website Yesterday she revealed his identity, saying that she called the boy Austin T – with the 'T' standing for Tiger. A photo of the boy, who is mixed race, has also been released. According to reports, James, now 29, has never had a DNA test to prove her claim.
Meanwhile, as The First Post reported on Tuesday, a Channel 4 documentary will claim tonight that Woods fathered a child with Rogers, with whom he reportedly had an affair before and after his marriage to Elin Nordergren in 2004. In Tiger Woods: The Rise And Fall a New York magazine journalist, Neal Boulton, tells film-maker Jacques Peretti that he helped Woods keep the child a secret since before revelations about the golfer's extra-marital affairs surfaced last November.
The claims come as Woods prepares for the first round of the US Open today in Pebble Beach, California. He had been hoping to make this his fourth US Open title, but golf commentators say he'll need a miracle to win, what with his poor form since returning to the game and the continued speculation surrounding his personal life.

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